Does Kohls price match?

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asked Dec 6, 2019 in Other-Finance by Albert908 (300 points)
Does Kohls price match?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 7, 2019 by y2k2 (1,030 points)
Yes if you find a better deal in another store or online for the same item or even on Kohl's website then Kohl's will price match the item you're purchasing from them.

You just let the cashier at Kohl's know that you found a better deal and if you have a sales paper with the item and price listed cheaper than what Kohl's has it for then they will price match the item and sell it to you at the same price.

I've done that before when I was shopping at Kohl's and found something I wanted but it cost more at Kohl's store than it did online and they price matched it.

You just need to ask them and request for the price match for them to do it but they will price match.

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