Is Black Friday Shopping dangerous?

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asked Nov 29, 2019 in Polls/Surveys by kiomilgion (300 points)
Is Black Friday Shopping dangerous?

2 Answers

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answered Nov 29, 2019 by Nipantuck (360 points)
Yes in my opinion going Black Friday Shopping in a store can be dangerous and can actually get you killed or injured pretty badly.

I've witnessed someone get shot at a Walmart over an X Box game that they were fighting over for the deal and nobody got the deal.

The person who got shot died and the person who shot the person is now in prison for the rest of his life and he doesn't need the game.

I do shop black Friday but only do so now online and I hardly go shopping in brick and mortar stores anymore anyway.

I prefer to mostly shop online because I would rather sit on my couch on my laptop and do my shopping and then go to my door and get the packages when they arrive.

I'm in no hurry to get things but when I buy from Amazon I usually get the packages the next day which is very fast.

I have Amazon Prime with faster shipping so I get the products I buy fast and I don't have to go walking around in a store.

The only thing I really buy in stores now is my groceries and clothes and shoes because I want to make sure the clothes and shoes I get fit me properly.

But other things I usually just buy online because it's cheaper even with the shipping.
0 votes
answered Apr 22 by mirafine (4,820 points)

Black Friday shopping can sometimes be dangerous due to the large crowds and the rush to grab the best deals before they run out. It’s important to stay aware of your surroundings and keep safety in mind if you choose to shop in physical stores during these events. For a safer and more relaxed experience, consider shopping online. Many retailers, including uk , offer the same great deals online, allowing you to avoid the crowds and the hassle. This way, you can enjoy all the discounts from the comfort of your home.

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