Where Do The Mosquitoes Go in Winter?

+1 vote
asked Oct 4, 2016 in Other-Education by Tansinator (1,920 points)
Where Do Mosquitoes Go in Winter?

I never see mosquitoes in the winter, but as soon as warm weather returns in spring, they're biting me. Mosquitoes seem to magically reappear each year. Where do they go during the winter?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 5, 2016 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
Believe it or not, the mosquitoes are out there, even in winter. They're just hiding so we don't notice them. Absent unseasonably warm weather, mosquitoes remain inactive through the winter months.

Some mosquitoes lay winter hardy eggs which lie dormant in the soil until spring. In late summer or fall, the female mosquito lays her eggs singly in areas where the ground is moist. The eggs hatch when conditions become favorable again, usually in the spring when temperatures begin to rise and sufficient rain falls.

Certain mosquitoes can survive winter in the larval stage. All mosquito larvae require water, even in winter. As the water temperature drops, it induces a state of diapause in the mosquito larvae, suspending further development and slowing metabolism.

So they're still out there but just not active.

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