How much do illegal immigrants pay in taxes in the US?

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asked Nov 20, 2019 in Law & Legal by luscv (300 points)
How much do illegal immigrants pay in taxes in the US?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 21, 2019 by JacqueAnder (650 points)
The amount of money that illegal immigrants pay in taxes in the US depends on the income they make and how much they are taxed.

Though illegal immigrants usually pay near the same amount or even the same amount of income taxes as legal USA residents.

The total amount of income taxes that illegal immigrants pay in taxes in the USA is around $27 billion dollars per year and in 10 years the income tax amount that illegal immigrants pay in taxes is $196 billion dollars.

So as long as the USA illegal immigrant reports their income taxes properly and pays the taxes they pay near the same amount or even the same percentage of their income that USA residents do.

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