What is the ideal age to have a baby?

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asked Nov 20, 2019 in Pregnancy by Ketoweoost (320 points)
What is the ideal age to have a baby?

3 Answers

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answered Nov 21, 2019 by Jaybird (12,310 points)
The ideal age to have a baby is as early as possible because when you're younger you're more fertile and have a better chance at the pregnancy and better chance at having a healthy baby.

If you're ready to have a baby at 18 years old then that is the ideal age and when you're most fertile for having a baby but some people wait until they are 20, 25 and even 30 years old to get pregnant with a baby.

But after 30 years old the woman becomes less fertile although it's still possible to give birth and get pregnant after 30 but you have an easier chance of getting pregnant before 30 years old.

You also have less risk of complications if you have a baby before 30 years old.

But always wait until you're absolutely ready to give birth and get pregnant because taking care of a baby is no easy task.
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answered Dec 2, 2019 by swipka777 (6,100 points)

I suppose that there are no a particular age to have a baby and not to have any problems. Even 18 years old girls have some health problems. I used to read a lot about surrogacy and since I am 45, I started to think about https://www.mother-surrogate.com/servise-providing-the-egg-donor-candidate.php because of me and my husband. We really want a baby but have some difficulties with it.

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answered Dec 2, 2019 by 098dperry (240 points)
When you have a baby you can get pregnant at any age but the earlier the better.

A friend I used to work with in an office was 60 years old and she gave birth at 60 years old to a happy healthy baby.

So while you do increase your risk of complications during pregnancy at more advanced ages you can still give birth to a healthy baby even past 40 years old.

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