Did you use the services of a customs broker? What benefits do they provide?

+1 vote
asked Nov 19, 2019 in Employment & Careers by noah015 (2,500 points)

Did you use the services of a customs broker? What benefits do they provide?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 19, 2019 by Amos321 (5,590 points)
I've never used the services of a customs broker myself but hiring a customs broker is a good idea especially if you can't do it yourself.

There are many things that need done correctly by the customs broker to ensure the shipments go smoothly and you don't want to mess that up.

But if you do decide to do the customs brokerage yourself be sure to brush up on all the things needed and gain knowledge in it beforehand if you don't already have knowledge in customs brokerage.

Customs brokers provide services and do the work to clear shipments of imported goods, prepare required documentation for export shipments and collect duties and taxes on those shipments.

A customs broker also acts as an intermediary between importers and the government, helping companies deal with legislation.

If you know what you're doing as a customs broker then doing the customs brokerage yourself would save you money and be a good idea.

Although if you hire a customs broker you also save time although it might cost you some money but if I had to do other things I would personally rather hire a customs broker to do the job.

Then that would free up my time and save me the headache of having to deal with the issues of the customs brokerage.

But if you want to do it yourself you'll save some money but it also takes time to do the customs brokerage.

Even if I knew how to do the job of customs brokerage I would still hire it out and use my time for something else.
0 votes
answered Nov 20, 2019 by nikol (2,230 points)

Yes, I have used the services of a customs broker many times, as I often make purchases from abroad. How it works and what kind of services the customs broker provides, I advise you to study on the site https://clearitusa.com/commercial-customs-clearances/ this provides many advantages.

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