How much money does a chemistry teacher make?

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asked Nov 16, 2019 in Employment & Careers by EdernMuyin (420 points)
How much money does a chemistry teacher make?

2 Answers

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answered Nov 18, 2019 by AdriMoore (2,170 points)
The average chemistry teacher makes around $44,000.00 to $57,000.00 per year.

The chemistry teachers that work in more populated areas at schools usually earn a higher salary than those chemistry teachers working for smaller schools.

So if you're looking to become a chemistry teacher it would be best to get hired or try to get hired in a bigger school in a bigger city where you can earn the highest salary.

Although when you live in a bigger city or town your living expenses are usually much more so the cheaper salary might balance out when you live in a smaller town.

Chemistry teachers and all teachers will always be in demand so it can be a good job to get into.
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answered Jun 27, 2023 by Andrew_Clarkson (7,110 points)

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