For those who are incontinent and wear diapers do you hate wearing diapers?

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asked Nov 16, 2019 in Incontinence by EdernMuyin (420 points)
For those who are incontinent and wear diapers do you hate wearing diapers?

2 Answers

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answered Nov 16, 2019 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
I'm not urinary incontinent but I wish I could be urinary incontinent and it would be no issue for me.

I wear diapers all the time now because I love to wear the diapers and I use the diapers for both pee and poop and love it.

I've been using and wearing diapers over 7 years now all the time and I love it and if I did become incontinent both pee and poop it would be fun for me.

There are some incontinent people though who say they hate wearing diapers and being incontinent but for me it would be fun.

Diapers are the most comfortable form of underwear and diapers feel even better when they get filled with pee and poop.

I love walking around my house and fenced back yard wearing just a diaper and T Shirt and I lounge around the house in just a diaper a lot.

When I'm inside the house and don't have to go anywhere I just wear the diaper and nothing else most times.
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answered Nov 16, 2019 by Cathy21 (85,770 points)
When my grandma was incontinent and had to wear adult diapers for it she hated it and hated wearing the diapers.

But in my opinion wearing adult diapers would not be that terrible of a thing and if I were to become incontinent and need to wear diapers again for it I would do so without hesitation.

After giving birth to my last baby I started becoming incontinent for at least a year and my doctor said it was normal and that the incontinence should go away.

I had the option of taking some medications to help with the urinary incontinence but I decided to just wear diapers which was cheaper than paying for the incontinence medication.

I didn't have really bad incontinence and could make it to the restroom sometimes but sometimes if I wasn't near a bathroom I couldn't make it in time and I would wet my pants.

So I ordered some adult diapers that are tape on diapers that I could unfasten and fasten when needed.

The diapers were not that bad to wear and nobody noticed them.

I tried the pull ups for adults but they leaked on me and were uncomfortable and the adult diapers with the tapes fit me more snugly and didn't leak.

I figure if kids and babies can wear diapers and my 3 year old son could wear diapers all the time then so could I.

My kids seemed very happy when wearing diapers and it never made them sad so why should I feel bad about needing to wear diapers?

I have full bladder control now and no longer need diapers but if I ever needed diapers again for incontinence I would wear them without any issue.

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