What happens if a car gets stuck on a railroad track?

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asked Nov 13, 2019 in Rail by travisstaggs (400 points)
What happens if a car gets stuck on a railroad track?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 13, 2019 by Ketennex (380 points)
If a car or other vehicle gets stuck on a railroad track the first thing you need to do is get out of the car or vehicle and either call 911 or the number to the train people which should be on the pole near the train track with the train track location number.

If you cannot find the number or don't have time to look you should just call 911 and tell them your location and the 911 dispatcher can make contact with the train company to stop the train.

Call 911 or the train company really quick as in right away because a train has to take awhile to stop.

If the train is unable to stop they will crash into your car and could shred the car to pieces so never stay in the car and get out of the car and get away from the tracks.

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