Do Labradoodles shed more than goldendoodles?

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asked Nov 12, 2019 in Dogs by 12345steakie (300 points)
Do Labradoodles shed more than goldendoodles?

2 Answers

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answered Nov 14, 2019 by Larry S (42,350 points)
Labradoodles actually shed less amounts of hair than goldendoodles do.

The Labradoodle dog breed is considered to be a low fur shedding dog especially if the Labradoodle dog has a Wool or Fleece coat.

Some Labradoodles may shed less than other dogs but then again some Labradoodles may shed more as it all depends on the type of their fur coat.

If you brush the Labradoodle often enough you shouldn't have much of a problem with fur shedding onto bedding, furniture etc.

My mom's Labradoodle sheds somewhat but not as much as other dogs and she brushes the Labradoodles fur coat at least once per week to keep the fur from getting onto things.
0 votes
answered Sep 19, 2024 by JoeFettah (5,100 points)
Goldendoodles are good dogs and are great with people and get along with other pets as well and are often patient and gentle with young children which makes them a great family dog.

However Goldendoodles are too friendly to be watchdogs and guard dogs and would usually befriend a stranger instead of warn them off.

Goldendoodle dogs are a designer dog created by crossbreeding a Golden Retriever and a Poodle.

First widely bred in the 1990s, Goldendoodle dogs are bred in three different sizes—each corresponding to the size of Poodle used as a parent.

Goldendoodles do not have to be groomed at all.

However to keep the goldendoodle dog healthy and clean and looking good it's best to have the goldendoodle dog groomed at least every 6 months to a year.

You can do some grooming of the goldendoodle yourself at home or you can have a professional dog groomer groom the dog.

The average age for a female goldendoodle dog to go into heat is around 6 months of age.

But some goldendoodles may not go into heat until 7 or 8 months of age.

But do be prepared for the female goldendoodle to go into heat within 6 months of it being born.

Most goldendoodle dog breeds live for 15 years.

Although the average life expectancy for goldendoodle dogs is between 10 years to 15 years.

Some goldendoodle dogs may live only 10 years while some may live to 15 years and some goldendoodle dogs in rare cases may live as much as 16 to 17 years.

My neighbor had a goldendoodle dog that lived to be 19 years old.

That was really old for the dog though.

Most of the goldendoodle dog breeds live only 10 to 15 years.

But just like humans dogs can outlive their life expectancy.

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