Do you twiddle your thumbs when bored?

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asked Nov 8, 2019 in Polls/Surveys by KSalnhat (370 points)
Do you twiddle your thumbs when bored?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 8, 2019 by Cathy21 (85,770 points)
Yes I do sometimes twiddle my thumbs when bored such as when sitting at a desk and I finish up some work.

Thankfully at work we are allowed to visit other websites and view Youtube videos in between work because we don't always have work going on.

Sometimes I finish the work I'm required to do and then for another 15 or 20 minutes there may not be anymore work for that time.

So we can sit there at the desk and browse other websites or watch videos on Youtube.

Of course we have work all day but sometimes there's a bit of time in between when we get new work to do.

Sometimes I'll sit there and twiddle my thumbs when I finish work and even when I watch some videos.

I'm usually grateful for new work to come my way on the computer.

Our company has a blog and I write blog posts and we also have a forum for the company so I'm also appointed to moderation of that forum.

Sometimes there's nothing else to do in between so we get to watch videos and browse other websites until we need to do more work.

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