How does a cold spread from one person to another?

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asked Nov 7, 2019 in Other- Health by tnickname (370 points)
How does a cold spread from one person to another?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 7, 2019 by Adf289 (58,200 points)
The cold virus can spread from one person to another person either through direct contact or through contaminated surfaces or when the cold virus goes airborne from coughing or sneezing etc and breathing in the cold virus that can be in the air from people coughing and breathing.

You can spread the cold virus by coughing into your hand and then touching someone else's body such as through shaking hands etc.

Then when that person eats food or puts their hand near their mouth the cold virus can be spread that way.

Coughing near someone or coughing onto someone can also spread the cold virus so make sure you cover your mouth when coughing and if you use your hands to cover your mouth and cough into your hands then you should wash your hands using antibacterial soaps and hot water.

Wipe down surfaces using Clorox bleach wipes or wipe the surfaces down using bleach to clean the surface of bacteria.

Make sure to stay hydrated and get plenty of rest and Vitamin C as well.

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