Does soaking in Epsom salt help constipation?

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asked Nov 4, 2019 in Other- Health by Ketviws (370 points)
Does soaking in Epsom salt help constipation?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 5, 2019 by Christeen (70,120 points)
Yes you can relieve constipation by soaking in an Epsom Salt Bath for around 20 to 30 minutes.

When you add some Epsom Salt to a warm bath the Epsom Salt Bath will help relax your gut and soften your stool as you absorb magnesium through your skin.

That is how the Epsom Salt helps you get your bowels moving.

I've had great success soaking in an Epsom Salt bath when I've had trouble pooping and usually around 5 or 10 minutes after soaking in an Epsom Salt Bath I have to poop.

The Epsom Salt bath also helps to detox your body as well so it's beneficial for your health in other ways as well.

You can also drink a little Epsom Salt in a warm glass of water and the Warm Glass of water and Epsom Salt will help your bowels get moving and your constipation will go away that way as well.

I couldn't stand to drink the Epsom Salt so I prefer to just take an Epsom Salt Bath when I'm constipated.

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