I lost all my friends

+1 vote
asked Nov 2, 2019 in Employment & Careers by eliss (3,810 points)
I lost all my friends. Not so long ago, I realized that a lot was wrong in my life and why I did not have a boyfriend ... they just attracted me girls. But after I began to look for a girlfriend, I started having problems. What do i do? Try to be like everyone else?

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 2, 2019 by Minty (140,940 points)
If you had friends and lost them just because you started looking for a girlfriend then the sad truth is that those friends were never really your true friends to begin with.

I personally would not waste my time with those so called friends because true friends stick with you no matter what.

If a friend leaves you for any simple reason then they were not really interested in being your friend anyway.

I would rather have 1 true friend that sticks beside me instead of several friends that are just faking being friends.

That's what it sounds like to me is that those friends of yours were just faking being your friends if they left your side and stopped being friends because you were looking for a girlfriend.

Another true friend will come around but there's no way to know when but eventually you'll find a true friend who will stay beside you no matter what.
0 votes
answered Nov 3, 2019 by fathi (2,610 points)
totally agree with Minty. If I'm not mistaken, you want to say that you are a lesbian. So do not hide it! Just change your social circle and that's it! And yes, the most important thing is to find yourself a good girl. Wish you luck!
0 votes
answered Nov 5, 2019 by tikka (970 points)

My dear, if you want to find understanding, then join us in the lesbian chat Wonder https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1348744273?mt=8 here you can find great friends and perhaps your love. So check out this Wonder dating app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wonder.dating&&utm_source=wonderusa

0 votes
answered Oct 22, 2020 by Jeraldo (4,900 points)

I would say even more that nowadays online dating is going to a completely different level and for example thanks to this benaughty review any lesbian will be able to build their relationship, so I advise you to use this opportunity right now.

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