Can a spoonful of honey help a cough?

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asked Oct 31, 2019 in Other- Health by 146664 (310 points)
Can a spoonful of honey help a cough?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 31, 2019 by Jaybird (12,310 points)
Honey is a great natural cough medicine and has been used for years when people have a cough.

Honey is good for sore throats as well as coughs and has been used for years and is time tested as a natural cough medicine and sore throat remedy.

Honey is also usually more effective at treating sore throats and coughs than over the counter medicines and honey is also much better for your health as well.

Whenever I have a cough or even a sore throat I like to take a spoonful of honey directly which helps to soothe my sore throat and help get rid of the cough.

Then I also add a spoonful of honey to a cup of hot tea and sip on the hot tea with the honey which also helps with the cough and sore throat.

Hot tea along with some honey helps get rid of congestion as well as the cough and sore throat.

You can also give some honey to a toddler for their cough as well and it will help them.

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