What are some must have fitness equipment for home gym?

+1 vote
asked Sep 12, 2017 in Other- Health by Hazel (300 points)
What are some must have fitness equipment for home gym?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 12, 2017 by Snorton1 (250 points)
Good exercise equipment to have in your home gym are, treadmill, exercise bicycle, exercise trampoline and stair climber.

Oh and forgot to mention the good ole punching bag that's another good thing to have. And it reduces stress.
If you're feeling stressed out and want to hit someone then take it out on the punching bag instead.

I have a punching bag and it's a good stress reliever.
0 votes
answered May 29, 2018 by ChaseTFalzone (140 points)

It is great that you want to build a home gym. But when it comes to what equipment to choose; you have to keep the holy trinity in mind. The centrepiece is the power rack; so ensure that space is large enough to accommodate the power rack. The power rack is the centrepiece of the Trinity; it is the equipment that will bring everything into the fold. The other two must have equipment are dumbbells and cardio machine. So, in essence, your home gym will focus on improving your strength, core and fat reduction. Check out totalshape.com to know more about setting up home gym.

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