Is 30 years old considered old?

0 votes
asked Sep 26, 2016 in Polls/Surveys by Joney (120 points)
I'm a male and I'm gonna be turning 30 in a year and 2 months.

I dread turning 30 years old and can't believe it's only just over a year that I will be turning 30.

Is 30 considered old?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 26, 2016 by chad (14,670 points)
Not at all. I turn 30 years old in 17 months. So I'm not that far behind you.

Age is just a number.

I hope to keep very healthy and live to be over 100 and be very active then as well.

Eat as healthy as possible, get plenty of rest, get lots of exercise.
0 votes
answered Oct 5, 2016 by Ruz (230 points)
No I don't think so. I'm 30 years old and don't feel old at all.

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