What prices for bitcoin will be in the near future?

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asked Oct 28, 2019 in Employment & Careers by nikol (2,230 points)
What prices for bitcoin will be in the near future?

5 Answers

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answered Oct 29, 2019 by noah015 (2,500 points)

In this matter, it's worth focusing on serious resources that provide reliable information. I advise you to look at https://www.crypto-rating.com/price-prediction/btc/ here for detailed information on the price of bitcoin and its forecasts.

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answered Oct 29, 2019 by Kivan (380 points)
I think that Bitcoin will grow and keep a high price, how much it is profitable for trading is up to you. But you should look at reliable resources where you can get professional support and an answer to your question.
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answered Nov 5, 2020 by Jassy123 (4,110 points)
I think the price of bitcoin will be about $ 10,000. we will be bitcoin milliners
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answered Nov 5, 2020 by Marinad (2,740 points)
edited Nov 5, 2020 by Marinad

the price of bitcoin is increasing every day and it makes me happy. I am sure that everyone should buy bitcoin and wait until its price doubles. this investment method is one of the most popular in the modern world and it can make you a wealthy person. I advise you to use this bitcoin wallet. don't worry, it's free and i guarantee it's reliable

0 votes
answered Aug 30, 2022 by Kridd (920 points)

Trading cryptocurrencies is quite different from more traditional markets like Forex or Indices. Because they are relatively new assets, they are not influenced by many forces as other more established markets. So you can use crypto wallet for business.

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