How do I get my 5 year old boy out of diapers?

+1 vote
asked Oct 20, 2019 in Grade Schooler by GregE (810 points)
How do I get my 5 year old boy out of diapers?

My son is 5 years old and still not potty trained and goes to school in Kindergarten wearing diapers and every 3 hours I have to go change his diaper at school because his teachers will not change his diapers.

I've been trying to get him out of diapers and potty trained but my 5 year old refuses to potty trained and throws a fit until I put him back in diapers.

He will hold his pee and pee his pants if he doesn't get a diaper put on.

Anyone else have a 5 year old still wearing diapers during the day and night and not potty trained?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 20, 2019 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
Your 5 year old son is so lucky to get to wear diapers to school and get to wear diapers all the time.

I wish my parents let me wear diapers at age 5 and beyond as well and would have let me stay in diapers at school too.

If your 5 year old doesn't want to potty train I would not force the issue and just let him use diapers instead of the toilet.

Diapers are much better than the toilet anyway and I no longer use the toilet myself and wear and use diapers 24/7 myself.

Just continue to change your sons diapers or teach your son how to change his own diapers and send extra diapers with him to school.

He doesn't need potty trained as using a diaper is much healthier than using the toilet anyway.
0 votes
answered Oct 20, 2019 by AdriMoore (2,170 points)
A 5 year old is getting too big for wearing diapers unless he absolutely needs to use and wear diapers.

What you need to do is just stop putting diapers on him and get rid of the diapers and allow him to throw a fit and don't give into him.

Make him clean up his wet underwear or teach him to change his own diapers and eventually he may decide that changing his own diapers or cleaning his pee or poop up in his underwear and pants is much harder than just using the toilet.

Most kindergartens won't accept a child in diapers unless they are at least trying to use the potty.

Just remove the diapers and deal with the mess is all you can do because eventually he should decide to not wear diapers anymore.

My son quit wearing diapers before he was 4 years old and just decided one day that he was too big for diapers and was tired of wearing diapers and having his diapers changed.

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