Is it normal to lose taste and smell with a cold?

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asked Oct 18, 2019 in Other- Health by stromdell (620 points)
Is it normal to lose taste and smell with a cold?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 19, 2019 by Adf289 (60,750 points)
Yes having a cold can cause you to lose taste and even smell which is normal when you have a cold or flu.

Especially if you have a stuffy nose your nose being stuffy prevents you from smelling or tasting properly so if you lose your sense of smell you can also lose your ability to taste.

The taste and smell senses should come back after your cold virus is gone or when the flu is gone.

Every time I get a cold or flu I lose either my smell or taste or both sometimes and as soon as I'm over the flu or cold the smell and taste comes back.

There's nothing to worry about but if your smell or taste doesn't come back then something else could be wrong and you should see your doctor about it.

But in most cases the smell and taste will return normally.

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