Why does your body slow down with age?

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asked Oct 13, 2019 in Other- Health by hillilpilk (530 points)
Why does your body slow down with age?

2 Answers

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answered Oct 13, 2019 by layla (84,530 points)
As you age your bodies metabolism usually slows down which also causes a loss of energy and causes you to slow down as you age.

Our metabolism is what takes the food and drinks we consume and turns them into the energy we need to live and move around.

When we're younger we have more energy because the metabolism is working faster through our body turning the food and drinks into the energy we need.

But as we age and get older that metabolism gets slower and when the metabolism is slower the food and drinks in our body doesn't get processed as fast to turn it into the energy we need.

So that's a reason we get slowed down as we age.

Some people continue to have quite a bit of energy as they get older and some people slow down.
0 votes
answered Jan 10, 2020 by GeorgeMills (3,080 points)

Metabolism really slows down. This is a normal process, but you can also influence it. My wife is 44 years old and she is in good shape through daily simple exercises. It can be Pilates, yoga, dancing like rumba. There are additional features - weights ribbons and a special belt - https://womenmotorist.com/best-waist-trimmers/ She trains in the morning for 35 minutes a day. Yes, for this you need to observe the daily routine and this also gives its plus. If you are constantly in rhythm, then the metabolism will be at a good level even at 50.

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