Can you donate a car without a title?

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asked Oct 13, 2019 in Buying & Selling by hillilpilk (530 points)
Can you donate a car without a title?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 13, 2019 by Minty (140,940 points)
Most legit car donation charities will require a clear clean title without any liens on it to be able to accept the car for a donation.

If you lost the title you could file for a lost title and get a replacement title if the vehicle is in your name.

You might also be able to donate the car using a bill of sale but most charities you donate the car to will want a title to the car.

The title will need to be in your name when you sign the title over to the car donation charity and then the car donation charity should give you a form about how much the car donation was worth to them.

Usually you can write off around $500.00 for most cars that you donate to charities.

However if the car is worth more than $500.00 then you might be better off selling the car to someone else to make more money than the tax write off would be worth.

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