How long after a root canal should you get a crown?

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asked Oct 12, 2019 in Dental by Shatsky (300 points)
How long after a root canal should you get a crown?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 13, 2019 by hillilpilk (530 points)
When getting a root canal the dentist will want to make some more follow up appointments to check your tooth after the root canal.

Then after those follow up appointments the dentist will schedule a time and date to get the crown put in place after the root canal.

For me the last time I had a root canal I had the dental crown done a few months after but it can vary from person to person.

Some people have had a crow done within a few weeks of the root canal and others have had it done a few months or so after.

Then you usually need to see the dentist again in 5 or 7 years to have the crown redone to prevent any infection of the tooth.

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