Is pooping a diaper in public noticeable?

+2 votes
asked Oct 10, 2019 in AB/DL by Iu9812 (380 points)
Is pooping a diaper in public noticeable?

If I poop an adult diaper in public is the poop in the adult diaper in public noticeable to others?

Has anyone here pooped in a diaper in public and what was your experience?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 10, 2019 by mui45xcc (600 points)
I've never pooped a diaper in public except for when I was a baby or toddler.

But I will say that whenever I've been in line at the grocery store behind toddlers or babies and they pooped in their diaper I could easily smell the poop.

So yes I would say that pooping in an adult diaper while in public would be noticeable.

I was also in front of an older guy who was clearly wearing adult diapers because I could see a bit of the diaper poking out the back of his pants.

He pooped the diaper and I could smell it but I didn't say anything to him because I'm sure he was embarrassed about it.
0 votes
answered Oct 10, 2019 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
Yes if you poop a diaper in public it will be noticeable unless you use some cologne or perfume on yourself when in public.

I wear cologne a lot and use baby powder in my diapers especially when in public.

I wear diapers 24 hours per day 7 days per week and no longer use the toilet so I use diapers for both pee and poop and do so in public or wherever I am.

Personally I don't care much if someone does happen to notice that I pooped in my diaper in public because they would unlikely be able to determine who it was especially if there are kids near the area.

Now if the person was standing right behind you and you pooped your diaper then they might notice but they would unlikely say anything.

You'll also likely never see that same person ever again especially if you're on a road trip and traveling.
commented Dec 30, 2021 by Ts2021 (1,500 points)
Yes, almost always. Wetting is also sometimes noticeable as well, but not always.

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