Can you donate a car to an individual?

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asked Oct 3, 2019 in Buying & Selling by VenimDeni (320 points)
Can you donate a car to an individual?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 3, 2019 by Grahlu (51,270 points)
You can give or donate a car to anyone you want too but if you want to get a tax deduction from the donated car then you must donate the car to a legit car donation charity.

The car donation charity must be a 501 (c) (3) charity to claim the the donated car on a tax deduction.

If you donate the car to an individual then you cannot claim the donated car on your taxes.

The car donation charity should give you a form for your taxes to fill out when you donate your car.

Donating a car is a good thing because you can deduct it from your taxes and make more money that way than just selling the car for scrap.

But sometimes you may make more money selling the car to someone through the internet or just putting a for sale sign on it.

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