I want to retire before 65 years old?

+1 vote
asked Sep 2, 2017 in Other-Finance by Wenzell (180 points)
I want to retire before 65 years old?
I don't want to work a 9-5 job until I'm 65 years old which is the normal retirement age.

I want to quit working and really enjoy life.

How can I retire before age 65?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 3, 2017 by Ruiz (220 points)
If you wish to retire before age 65 the normal retirement age then you'll need to put a good portion of your income into a retirement savings account.

Cut back on non necessary things that you can live without and live frugally.

You can also invest some of your money into stocks and bonds that could yield high returns.

I'm not sure what those stocks and bonds would be because I'm not into investing right now but I'm studying on it.

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