How do I change an adult diaper while on a road trip?

+1 vote
asked Sep 25, 2019 in AB/DL by 558lop098 (360 points)
How do I change an adult diaper while on a road trip?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 25, 2019 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
I always wear diapers all the time now so I change my adult diapers on road trips and anywhere else I am.

I have a diaper bag with me and sometimes I'll carry the diaper bag into a public restroom such as at a rest area and then change my diaper that way.

I'll then back up to the stall in the restroom and place the new diaper behind me and back up to it and then pull the diaper through my legs and tape it closed.

I keep baby wipes with me in my diaper bag to wipe up any pee and poop that may be on me and then I carry an extra bag such as a shopping bag to put the used adult diaper in to throw it away.

If I need to go into a more public restroom such as in a store etc to change my diaper then I will slip a new diaper down my pants and then walk into the store that way.

Then I just do the same way of changing the diaper and if possible I'll change the diaper in the backseat of my car.

If you have a truck and you're remote enough where no one is able to see you then you could change your adult diaper in the bed of the truck.

Or if you have a truck bed topper on the truck bed you could crawl in the back of the truck and change your diaper.

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