Made to wear diapers on a road trip as a kid or teen?

+1 vote
asked Sep 25, 2019 in AB/DL by 558lop098 (360 points)
Made to wear diapers on a road trip as a kid or teen?

Has anyone here been forced to or made to wear diapers as a kid or teen while on a long road trip?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 25, 2019 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
I wish my parents would have made me wear diapers when on a road trip but they didn't.

Still I wore diapers as a kid and teen when on road trips but I wore them by my own choice and had to hide the fact that I was wearing diapers on the road trip.

I always had to pee a lot when on road trips and my parents would hardly ever stop to allow restroom breaks so I would put on those old plastic backed baby diapers that were all plastic backed years ago.

I wore the old Luvs diapers with barney on them and they held up pretty good and I could fit in the largest sized old style Luvs baby diapers.

I loved the crinkly sound of those diapers and that's why I love plastic backed adult diapers today.

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