I can not stop masturbating I need help

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asked Aug 30, 2017 in Mens Health by bustermac (200 points)
I need help. I'm 21 male and I masturbate 6 times per day everyday and my penis is getting wrinkly and starting to hurt but I can't stop masturbating or thinking about masturbating.

How can I stop masturbating so much?

6 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 30, 2017 by Larry S (42,350 points)
It's very normal to masturbate and is actually healthy for you to do.

But if you're rubbing your penis raw then yes you need to find some other hobbies to take your mind off masturbating.

I'm not sure how much help I can give you but my advice is to try doing something else when you think about masturbating?

Such as get up and go for a walk outside or ride your bicycle if you have one.

Get away from porn.

You don't have to stay away from masturbation for too long though. Giving your penis a break for at least a few days or a week should suffice to help your penis from hurting.
0 votes
answered May 3, 2019 by Jamie (66,680 points)
Masturbation is a very normal thing and nothing to worry about unless it's interfering with your normal life.

If it's getting so bad that you are not doing anything else productive then you just need to try and take up some other hobbies to take your mind off the masturbation.
0 votes
answered Jan 19, 2020 by NeaKarlon (3,320 points)
edited Jan 30, 2020 by NeaKarlon

Masturbation at your age is normal. If you are interested, I can advise you a couple of sites that may interest you. For example, I really like to watch sex live streams on one site. Usually I look something like cam girls online. There are also a lot of different categories, so trу

0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2020 by Andret (4,080 points)

Hey. I think you shouldn't worry so much. It is quite normal situation for your age. I think all people do this, they just shy to talk about this. By the way if you are interested in some new original porn video, I can recommend to use this source. It is my favorite site!

0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2021 by Edward Wong (4,820 points)

I reported it to the authorities after I saw it and so did many others.

I saw kids in sexually posed photos and saw a picture of a child of about 7 who was a girl getting molested by a guy.

0 votes
answered Dec 12, 2021 by Don Lawrence (5,310 points)
edited Dec 14, 2021 by Don Lawrence

I can give you a link to the free porn party. There is also a search feature box here that you can use to find the famous girl you want to see. Many celebrities have been added here, so you should immediately try your luck on the home page. This is a really great site, I think you should give it a try.

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