Can you drive with a busted radiator hose?

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asked Sep 22, 2019 in Repairs/Maintenance by Casro (410 points)
Can you drive with a busted radiator hose?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 22, 2019 by MrMoonPie (10,680 points)
If you have a small crack in the radiator hose and the radiator hose is leaking a bit of coolant then you can sometimes use some radiator hose repair tape to seal the radiator hose temporarily to get you down the road.

But once your radiator hose cracks it's gonna eventually burst since radiator hoses are under pressure and when a radiator hose does burst it will send your coolant all over the place and you'll lose the coolant.

When your radiator hose bursts and the coolant is lost then your engine will overheat.

So no if the radiator hose does bust you cannot drive with a busted radiator hose.

You should replace radiator hoses every 8 to 10 years as preventative maintenance to prevent a breakdown.

Radiator hoses, heater hoses and belts are something you don't want to wait until they break to replace them.

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