Do you want a high or low insurance score?

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asked Sep 20, 2019 in Insurance by NkiolJiolp (460 points)
Do you want a high or low insurance score?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 20, 2019 by LindaHartzell (26,630 points)
When it comes to your insurance score you want the highest insurance score you can get.

The higher your insurance score the cheaper your insurance will usually be and the lower your insurance score the more expensive your insurance will be.

The Fair Isaac Corporation's insurance score ranges between 300 and 900 and ChoicePoint's insurance scores range between 300 and 997.

An insurance score of 800 or above is a good insurance score and the lower your insurance score the worse it is.

If your insurance score is too low then it can increase the cost of your auto insurance or other insurance such as homeowners insurance, renters insurance etc.

The higher your insurance score the cheaper your insurance rates will usually be.

Your insurance score relates to your credit score and usually the lower your credit score the higher your insurance costs are and the higher your credit score the lower your insurance costs are.

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