What happens if you don't poop for a week?

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asked Sep 19, 2019 in Other- Health by BeirtSeit (440 points)
What happens if you don't poop for a week?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 20, 2019 by NkiolJiolp (460 points)
Not pooping for an entire week is normal for some people and if so than not pooping for a week will do you nor harm.

Sometimes I'll need to poop every few days or at least once per week and sometimes I can go a week or even sometimes 2 weeks without needing to poop depending on my diet.

If you don't poop within 2 weeks then you might be constipated and if you don't poop for a month then you are almost certainly constipated or have a blocked bowel and should see a doctor.

But if you normally poop every week and suddenly are not pooping every week and haven't been able to poop in a week then you might be constipated or have a bowel blockage and should see a doctor.

You can use some castor oil to help get rid of constipation or drink some prune juice, eat some prunes or you might need to use an enema which you can get at some drug stores or online.

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