How can I get rid of an armadillo in my basement?

+1 vote
asked Aug 29, 2017 in Do it yourself by Lois G (130 points)
How can I get rid of an armadillo that keeps going into my basement and knocks things down and keeps me awake at night?

This armadillo for some reason has started going into my basement since last night.

I thought someone had broken into my basement and was rummaging around down there so I went to check the basement door that's on the outside and it was still locked.

I then opened the door and checked to see what might be down there and there was this armadillo rummaging around down there.

I chased him out but he returned again tonight. I can't find where this Armadillo is getting in at so what can I do to keep this armadillo out of my basement?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 29, 2017 by Freeda221 (330 points)
If your door is locked and your basement windows are closed then there must be some opening where the armadillo is getting in.

Take a closer look all around and try and find where the Armadillo is getting in. You need to plug up this hole wherever he's getting in or he'll be back in the basement after you remove him again.

You might try getting an animal trap that will be big enough to get the armadillo and then release him further away from your home.

If you're not comfortable in doing this then you might look online for someone that does animal removal and release.

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