Are liquid gels better than tablets?

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asked Sep 18, 2019 in Other- Health by jteandavis (300 points)
Are liquid gels better than tablets?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 20, 2019 by NkiolJiolp (460 points)
Both Liquid Gel medicine and Tablets medicine work the same as in the medicine works exactly the same to treat the problem you're taking the medicine for.

But the liquid gel is better than the tablet form of pill because the liquid gel pill works faster than the tablet pill and releases the medicine into your body much faster.

That means that the medicine in the liquid gel pill will start working much faster than the tablet pill.

The liquid gel pills can also sometimes be easier for some people to swallow than the tablet form and they can taste better than tasting the tablet form of the pill where your tongue is in direct contact with the medicine.

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