How much gasoline do you use per month in your vehicle?

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asked Sep 15, 2019 in Commuting by Jaskiffia (810 points)
How much gasoline do you use per month in your vehicle?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 15, 2019 by Bdog2 (3,910 points)
In my vehicle I drive around 1,000 miles per month so in that case I spend around $200.00 per month in gasoline which is not too bad.

That is driving back and forth to work everyday and sometimes if I take off out of town I might drive 1,500 miles in a month so then I would spend around $250.00 to $300.00 in gasoline per month depending on the distance drove and how much gas costs.

My truck gets around 15 to 17 miles per gallon which is not the best but not too bad and I love my truck as it sits up higher and is more comfortable to drive than a car that is cheaper on gasoline.

Someone who has a car that is cheaper on gasoline may only spend $100.00 to $150.00 per month on gasoline for the same distance.

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