Can you use apple cider vinegar to get rid of jock itch?

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asked Sep 6, 2019 in Mens Health by l098fox09 (420 points)
Can you use apple cider vinegar to get rid of jock itch?

2 Answers

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answered Sep 9, 2019 by BurtMcKay78 (180 points)
Yes Apple Cider Vinegar doe work to help get rid of Jock Itch.

You can apply some apple cider vinegar directly to the jock itch by pouring some apple cider vinegar onto a wash cloth and then wash the area where the jock itch is.

You can also add a cup or two cups of apple cider vinegar to your bath water and soak in the apple cider vinegar bath water solution for 30 minutes or so.

When I had jock itch I washed the area directly with apple cider vinegar and also soaked in some warm bath water with apple cider vinegar and after a few days of doing so the jock itch went away.

You can also use some fungal cream and even some Listerine to help with jock itch but the apple cider vinegar and apple cider vinegar bath helped cure my jock itch.

But I did use some Listerine before for the jock itch before I read online about using apple cider vinegar for the jock itch.
0 votes
answered Aug 7, 2023 by BattleFam (2,080 points)
Apple cider vinegar can get rid of Jock itch.

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