If you drop out of high school and do not get your high school diploma then most colleges will not accept you into their college without the high school diploma.
So it can be hard to get into college after dropping out of high school and not getting your high school diploma.
But around 95 percent of colleges will still accept you into their colleges when you have a GED which is a diploma that you can get by taking the GED test after studying up for your GED and passing it.
You can take a GED test online but you'll also need to go to an official GED testing center in your location to get your GED.
Having a GED can also help you get other jobs while you're studying in college to get a better paying Job.
So if you do not have your high school diploma you can try for your GED.
If you're already in high school I recommend staying in school and getting your high school diploma because without it you're gonna have a hard time finding jobs that will accept you.
But even then you can get a GED.
It's still easier and best to just stay in high school and get the high school diploma.