How much would it cost to replace basement Foundation in 100 year old house?

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asked Sep 11, 2016 in Maintenance/Repairs by Jeff (180 points)
I have a house that was built in 1906. I've lived here for 12 years and just noticed recently that the foundation walls in the basement had started to buckle inwards.

It's a concrete wall, not a cinder block one. I do notice there is no reinforcement in the concrete which I don't think they used during those times.

How much would it cost to jack up house over the basement and then replace this concrete wall with reinforced concrete?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 12, 2016 by Bdog2 (3,910 points)
It varies from state to state and contractor to contractor. But when I had a basement wall replaced about 5 years ago it cost me $4,000.00 to do the job.

Seems a bit on the high side but was worth every penny as they did everything professionally and had all the right equipment.

Make sure you get a good contractor and not just go with any old cheap contractor. You get what you pay for.

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