What is important to include on a cover letter?

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asked Sep 1, 2019 in Higher Education (university +) by fraddy (6,050 points)
What is important to include on a cover letter?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 3, 2019 by costy (6,550 points)
The best part about a cover letter is that a person can be mesmerized with how it is usually portrayed and how it is given out to a person, making it the first vital piece of information that has to be conveyed to a person who is receiving a letter and the one who is going to read it.
0 votes
answered Sep 3, 2019 by poliq (6,220 points)

Hi, I prefer to deal with some modern builders like that https://www.getcoverletter.com/ and feel pretty well about that. You see, it is very handy with a friendly interface and a wide range of options. I got my current position with the help of that builder and hope it can help you too. Good luck 

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