Can landlords discriminate against felons?

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asked Aug 23, 2019 in Real Estate - Renting by AliceNadeau (300 points)
Can landlords discriminate against felons?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 23, 2019 by Minty (132,850 points)
According to landlord and tenant laws discriminating against a felon is considered illegal.

Which means that landlords are not legally able to discriminate against a felon who is applying to rent an apartment or house.

However there's always other apartments and homes to rent so I personally think a landlord has the right to rent or not rent to whoever they please.

Although the law begs to differ a landlord should have the right to rent to whoever they want too and should also be allowed to refuse to rent to certain people.

No one is forcing a tenant to rent a place so they can always go to a different place to rent and I would say it's a good idea for some landlords to not rent to felons because although some people can change it would still be not very safe feeling if I knew a felon or ex felon was living next to me.

If the felon has a history of drugs and drug trafficking then yes the landlord can discriminate against those people.

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