Who is the oldest person to swim the English Channel?

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asked Aug 19, 2019 in Swimming & Diving by Nabnerliom (410 points)
Who is the oldest person to swim the English Channel?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 19, 2019 by Lamkerprist (3,840 points)
As of now the oldest person to swim the English Channel is Roger AllSop who was 70 years old at the time he swam the English Channel in the year 2011.

That is a pretty good achievement for someone in their 70's and I wish I would be as fit and active as him at 70 years old and 4 months.

It took Roger AllSop 17hr, 51 min, 19 seconds and he swam 21 nautical miles which was pretty good for a man of his age.

There was another 70 year old man who swam the English Channel in 2004 who swam the same distance but Roger AllSop broke the record of him or actually tied the record.

The other 70 year old man who swam the English Channel was George Brunstad.

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