Can puppies eat eggs?

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asked Aug 18, 2019 in Dogs by Vivlian (400 points)
Can puppies eat eggs?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 18, 2019 by Minty (132,850 points)
Yes puppies and dogs can eat eggs as long as you fully cook the eggs all the way to kill any potential bacteria in them.

The eggs contain good protein that is great for both humans and dogs, puppies etc.

The eggs also contain riboflavin, and selenium which is also beneficial for both dogs and humans health.

Eggs are also good for dogs that have digestive issues so if they are suffering from digestive issues feeding the dogs some eggs can help relieve those digestive issues.

Eggs are healthy for both dogs and humans but if you feed your dog eggs make sure they are not raw as raw or under cooked eggs can cause biotin deficiency in the dog.

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