Do you sleep better when sleeping naked?

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asked Aug 17, 2019 in Other- Health by circkleb78 (300 points)
Do you sleep better when sleeping naked?

2 Answers

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answered Aug 17, 2019 by Christeen (70,120 points)
Before I had kids me and my husband would both sleep naked and yes we did get better sleep and fall asleep faster and easier.

I'm not sure why but being naked helped us sleep better and now that I wear Pajamas to bed I don't sleep as good as I used too.

But now that we have young kids that can burst into our room at night or in the morning we don't sleep naked anymore.

But when they grow up and move out one day then we might sleep naked again.

But I did read in a magazine before that to get better sleep you should sleep naked and for me and my husband sleeping naked did work.
0 votes
answered Sep 1, 2022 by Capobianco (12,490 points)
Sleeping naked is healthier and sleeping naked also keeps you cooler in the summertime which also results in better sleep.

Sleeping naked is healthier for you and it's the best way to sleep for most people.

Sleeping naked is indeed healthier than sleeping with clothes on.

When you sleep naked you have improved blood circulation as well as metabolic effects.

Sleeping naked is good for your heart health as well because when you sleep naked you have improved blood circulation which is an essential thing for good heart health and to prevent blood clots as well.

You'll also enjoy a better nights sleep and wake up in the morning feeling much more refreshed and have more energy during the day as well.

That's because when you sleep naked your body will have an increase in the release of growth hormones and melatonin, both of which have anti-aging benefits and effects.

Your body uses natural melatonin in the body to help you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

Even sleeping in your underwear or boxers is a good thing.

I also found that my kids slept much better when they were in diapers when I let them sleep wearing just the diaper when it was warm enough they got better sleep.

I couldn't let the kids sleep without the diaper because they would wake up with pee in the bed or poop when they weren't potty trained.

But they slept much better when they were sleeping wearing nothing but a diaper.

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