Do banks verify income for auto loans?

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asked Aug 12, 2019 in Buying & Selling by Gmeic099 (290 points)
Do banks verify income for auto loans?

4 Answers

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answered Aug 13, 2019 by linda (29,790 points)
Yes a bank will want to verify your income source and possible employment status before approving an auto loan.

It is possible to get an auto loan without a job or income source yourself but you'd need a cosigner who has a good credit score, income source and or employment.

If you have no verifiable income source or employment and you apply for an auto loan without a cosigner then you'll likely not get approved for the auto loan.

As long as you have a credit score of around 700 or above and a good income source or good employment and can come up with the down payment on the vehicle you're purchasing then you'll usually be approved for the auto loan.

Usually you can get approved the same day for the auto loan but sometimes it may take up to 24 to 48 hours to get approved for the auto loan.
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answered Oct 16, 2019 by Jeraldo (4,900 points)

Yes, many banks check your creditworthiness in order to have a warranty. I have not gone to banks for loans for a long time and now I use the services of cash cat. It saves me a lot of time. By the way, I advise you to read the useful article to find out important information about cash loans.

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answered Aug 26, 2022 by Duedads (6,930 points)
When getting an auto loan the bank will want to verify your income and also check your credit to see if you can pay the auto loan back.
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answered Sep 14, 2022 by Kroverl (2,920 points)

When you need money immediately. Buyers of payday loan debt generally expect to make a profit because deep discounts mean they don't need a high rate of repayment to succeed. Ultimately, loan originators can also make a profit because they often collect several payments from their borrowers at high interest rates before writing off the loans and selling them to the investor at a discount. 

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