How much money do you spend on gasoline each month?

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asked Aug 11, 2019 in Commuting by Madackui90s (300 points)
How much money do you spend on gasoline each month?

I spend around $250.00 per month on gasoline and sometimes as much as $300.00 per month on gasoline driving back and forth to work.

If I drive more on the weekends to just get out then I might spend $350.00 per month depending on price of gasoline.

What do you spend per month on gasoline?

2 Answers

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answered Aug 11, 2019 by Shelde (51,110 points)
Between my car and truck I spend around $400.00 per month for gasoline.

That's quite a bit but I drive to work and back which can sometimes be 100 miles per day depending on where I'm working that day.

I work in construction so sometimes I have to drive my vehicle further in a day to get to the job site so it can vary.

Some people only spend around $200.00 per month on gasoline and others as low as $50.00 to $80.00 per month on gasoline if they don't drive too far.

The more you drive and the more miles you drive the more you'll spend on gasoline.
0 votes
answered Aug 11, 2019 by Minty (139,260 points)
Just going back and forth to work I spend $200.00 per month on gasoline.

When I add in the errands and grocery shopping and just some leisure driving when I feel like it the cost of gasoline can go up to $300.00 per month.

Some people spend as much as $500.00 to $800.00 per month on gasoline so after seeing that I say my gasoline costs are cheap.

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