Is it illegal to sleep with your child?

0 votes
asked Jul 29, 2019 in Toddler/Preschooler by zxzubi (320 points)
Is it illegal to sleep with your child?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 29, 2019 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
There's nothing illegal or wrong with sleeping with your child as long as you're not doing anything sexual with them.

Just sleeping in the same bed as your child or allowing your children to sleep in the same bed with you as a parent is not wrong and not illegal.

I used to crawl in bed with my mom and dad when I was a kid and nothing was wrong with that and now my son who's 3 years old sometimes crawls in bed with me and sleeps with me.

It's a good bonding experience for kids and parents to sleep with each other however you should not sleep with a baby under 1 year old to prevent SIDS.

But as long as the baby is 1 year old or older then it's okay to sleep with your child in the same bed as long as you're doing nothing else.

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