Anyone else love to wear a wet diaper all day?

+1 vote
asked Jul 25, 2019 in AB/DL by Volv898 (330 points)
Anyone else love to wear a wet diaper all day?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 25, 2019 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
Yes I'm another one who loves to wear wet diapers all day and the wetter the diaper the better.

I wear diapers all the time now and no longer use a toilet unless I'm needing to pee more and my diaper is already full then I will leave the diaper on and sit on the toilet and pee in the soaking wet diaper again and let the pee drip and run down out of the diaper and into the toilet.

Other than that I use diapers for both pee and poop and wear diapers 24/7 now and I am very happy as a result.

I change my diapers around 2 to 5 times per day depending on how absorbent the diaper is I'm wearing but sometimes when I can stay home I will put a very absorbent diaper on and then wet in the diaper all day and wear just the diaper or just the diaper and T Shirt and maybe socks and shoes around the house.

I will continue wearing the diaper all day and until the next morning sometimes as well.

I also love sleeping in wet diapers all night and even sleep in poop diapers as it feels so good.

Sleeping in a wet disposable diaper all night feels so good and helps me drift off to sleep.

I love the soggy feeling of a wet disposable diaper between my legs as I go to sleep.

When I first started sleeping in diapers and wet diapers I lost a bit of sleep because I was just so excited about the wet diaper because it felt so good and got me really excited.

I couldn't keep myself from masturbating in the wet diaper so that kept me awake.

After a week of trying to sleep in wet diapers I began to get used to the wet diapers and then I would easily fall asleep.

Now I still masturbate in the wet diaper a few times before bed and then I get into bed wearing the wet diaper and fall asleep within 15 to 20 minutes.

I then wet in the diaper again after waking up and will continue to wear the wet diaper for awhile until I take a shower and then I'll even sit on the toilet and pee in the diaper again if I need too and let it leak out of the diaper.

A leaky diaper feels good to me as well and I would stay in a wet diaper for a very long time if it weren't for getting a rash.

Wet diapers are awesome to wear and even dry diapers are fun to wear but wet diapers are even better.

I also poop in my diapers as well which feels good and sometimes sleep in a poop filled diaper and then change in the morning.

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