What is it like to sleep in a wet diaper all night?

+1 vote
asked Jul 25, 2019 in AB/DL by Volv898 (330 points)
What is it like to sleep in a wet diaper all night?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 25, 2019 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
Sleeping in a wet disposable diaper all night feels so good and helps me drift off to sleep.

I love the soggy feeling of a wet disposable diaper between my legs as I go to sleep.

When I first started sleeping in diapers and wet diapers I lost a bit of sleep because I was just so excited about the wet diaper because it felt so good and got me really excited.

I couldn't keep myself from masturbating in the wet diaper so that kept me awake.

After a week of trying to sleep in wet diapers I began to get used to the wet diapers and then I would easily fall asleep.

Now I still masturbate in the wet diaper a few times before bed and then I get into bed wearing the wet diaper and fall asleep within 15 to 20 minutes.

I then wet in the diaper again after waking up and will continue to wear the wet diaper for awhile until I take a shower and then I'll even sit on the toilet and pee in the diaper again if I need too and let it leak out of the diaper.

A leaky diaper feels good to me as well and I would stay in a wet diaper for a very long time if it weren't for getting a rash.

Wet diapers are awesome to wear and even dry diapers are fun to wear but wet diapers are even better.

I also poop in my diapers as well which feels good and sometimes sleep in a poop filled diaper and then change in the morning.

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