How do you remove wallpaper paste from walls?

+1 vote
asked Jul 22, 2019 in Do it yourself by robbyrlo (320 points)
How do you remove wallpaper paste from walls?

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 25, 2019 by Grahlu (51,270 points)
You can buy some wallpaper paste remover from paint or hardware stores which works the best for removing wallpaper paste easily from walls.

However if you can't afford the wallpaper paste or don't want to go to the store to buy some wallpaper paste remover.

You can use some dish soap and hot water to remove the wallpaper paste.

Fill a bucket with some hot water and then add some dish soap to the hot water and mix it up in the bucket.

Then take a sponge and soak the sponge in the soap and water solution and gently rub it onto a section of the wall where the wallpaper paste is.

Then once and as the wallpaper paste softens you can wipe the wallpaper paste away and then use a clean rag or towel to dry the wall off.
0 votes
answered Apr 20, 2022 by Harolddoo (650 points)
Some people think that wallpaper is still the way it was a few years ago, extremely fragile and quirky. Gone are the days when wallpaper was made from plain paper. Currently available wallpapers are made from vinyl, fabrics and other durable materials, making their surfaces impenetrable, cleanable and washable. There are countless designs to choose from to decorate and texture your walls.
0 votes
answered Sep 13, 2022 by Cq1 (1,750 points)

There are a lot of different products that can help you with everything right there but as for me, I recommend you to check this wallpaper removal stuff right there as I hope that some of these options will be quite good for you. As for me, I liked this PRO-466 Concentrate Wallpaper Paste Remover.

0 votes
answered Sep 21, 2022 by timmy7ti (790 points)
If the glue doesn't come off readily after applying the solution to the walls, add vinegar to the mix—about one cup of vinegar per gallon of water. Most home renovation jobs need for distilled white vinegar, in particular.
0 votes
answered Apr 8, 2023 by Apolon34 (220 points)
Hello friends. We are now also doing repairs in the living room, the old wallpaper has already been removed. Thank you all for the advice on removing glue. Does anyone have any advice on buying new wallpapers? My wife really wants wallpaper with the image of animals, she likes this design.

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