What are the symptoms of water in your gas tank?

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asked Jul 22, 2019 in Repairs/Maintenance by robbyrlo (320 points)
What are the symptoms of water in your gas tank?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 23, 2019 by Essmann (42,860 points)
The symptoms of water in your gas tank are, rough idling, sputtering of the engine, sputtering when trying to start the engine, engine stalling, hard engine starting.

Small amounts of water can naturally get into your cars gas tank through moisture and condensation in the air or even a few tiny droplets of water can get into the fuel fill location from rain.

There's also sometimes a small amount of water that gets into the fuel tanks at the gasoline stations although the tanks underground do have filters to filter off water but sometimes water does get past it.

If you have some water in your gasoline tank you can add some HEET fuel additive to the fuel tank and let it sit for a few hours or even overnight to allow it to absorb the water in the gasoline tank.

Then the next morning the vehicle should start just fine.

The HEET fuel additive absorbs the water in the gasoline and lets it flow freely through the engine where it will burn properly in the engine.

So if you have small amounts of water droplets in the gasoline tank the HEET will remove it and your car will run much better.

If you have too much water in the gasoline tank then you need to drop the tank and pump all the water and old gasoline out.

Then dry the tank out completely and put fresh gasoline in the gas tank.

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